Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Blackburn Northern 1
Away Team: East Lancs 1
Date:29 Aug 2019
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
 Graeme Hazard Max Wyn-Jones328/11 11/9 11/6 7/11 11/6
 Lee Yewlett Al Asan Ulhaq3011/9 11/4 12/10
 Simon Cotton Steve Goodwin-Allen134/11 11/9 6/11 5/11
 David Bolton Shaun McKenna3210/12 11/7 11/8 5/11 12/10
 Lee McLoughlin Andy Wyn-Jones3111/8 11/5 12/14 11/6

Report:Match report done via JC satellite ventures ,permission off Greek Sky Lab
At 1 Trell feller Hazard v Pretty boy Max ,went all the way I’m sure Graham changed from his usual sublime game to brutal butchery
At 2 Sicknote Lee who is getting back to fitness v Al who is still on his day one of the best but couldn’t get the win
At 3 Simon who I think was working the satellite cos he wasn’t on court ! Joke took on the pocket rocket Steve who should be a gymnast and how he hasn’t split something is beyond me
Simon Pluto Cotton dropped a few clangers and ran out second
At 4 The resurgent Dave Uncle Fester Bolton has been getting coaching off Bob Garnett cos he’s starting to deliver and I think his hair is growing back cos he’s not rubbing it as much
Shaun is a wily old player just wondering if his new strapping was too tight
Finally At 5 Lee Vidal Sassoon Mac v Andy
W another battle but the Mac Fluck and that’s not just his hair is a winner
Well played lads
Champions of the league and East Lancs good effort and Shaun thanks for bringing the A Team !

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes