Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Blackburn Northern 1
Away Team: Markland Hill 1
Date:13 Jun 2019
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
 Jez Clarkson Matthew Muller3011/8 13/11 11/3
 Eddie Black Phil Shacklady3011/6 11/1 11/6
 Lee Yewlet Robert Houldsworth3011/6 11/7 11/2
 Lee McLoughlin Ken Harrison3211/7 9/11 11/9 7/11 11/6
 David Bolton Martin Coop3013/11 11/6 11/4

Report: Great to see both teams adopting an excellent youth policy !
At 1 Peter Ebdon AKA Jez oozed class (joke) v youngest lad on the night MATT
At 2 Eddie Cocktail sticks Black v Phil next youngest ! Just to good on the night
At 3 Lee looks can be deceiving v Probably the oldest swinger in the country and the tallest Bob
Ps great to see you Bob
At 4 Lee I can out boast you ken had a right tussel but outwit Ken with Guile like a Fox
Finally At 5 Dave (wow I didn’t stroke my head ) Bolton gave Kurtis a good lesson in how to use the strings of the racket

Apologies Bob for playing twice Kurtis not registered
Good luck and see in the winter
Author: Jackanory Jez

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes